Message from the Chairman

Message from the Chairman


To achieve growth in a global business environment requires a clear vision, a well defined strategy, the right team of people, commitment, flexibility and adaptability to new conditions and, last but not least,  hard work. We, at Lavipharm, believe in will power, knowledge and technology expertise and, all together, we strive for the improvement of the quality of life.


The investments that increase productivity, the emphasis on Research and Development of innovative products, our cooperations and long lasting partnerships with multinational companies of our industry, our international activity and the enhancement of the competitive advantages we have already achieved, set the fundamentals of our strategy.


Furthermore, during our 100 years of operation, our dedication to quality and thoroughness, our consistency in closely monitoring international developments, our commitment to our values but above all the people, the core of this company, constitute the main force for dealing swiftly and effectively with challenges and difficulties.  The market is breaking national borders and is becoming global. The needs of the modern consumer are even more demanding, pharmaceutical technology is progressing rapidly and competition is intensified. It is in such an environment that we strive to excel and differentiate.


Innovation is Lavipharm’s power engine. Lavipharm’s Innovation Team at our Research Laboratories in the USA and France focuses its efforts on developing new drug delivery systems, creating safe and effective therapeutic solutions that contribute to patience compliance. The accelerated use of technology and the Internet, the fast development of e-business have opened new horizons for Lavipharm, aiming to develop and offer innovative and integrated services to our clients.


The way to the top is in fact a continuous process and our efforts reflect both a business as well as a social perspective. This is the challenge we face every day at Lavipharm, which at the same time gives us the drive to work diligently, with confidence and responsibility, inspired by our knowledge and  expertise, focused to our objectives and values, empowered by our workforce, driven by our faith and enthusiasm.