

Corporate Social Responsibility

Global market integration, the information society, the maturing of consumers, the rejection of global poverty, the importance of preserving culture and traditions, and the need for environmental responsibility are shaping new principles for the business community, giving Corporate Social Responsibility a key role.

Focusing on people, our contribution to society is driven by the sensitivity of our management team and our human resources.

Our social and environmental responsibility is an integral part of our core values and aligns with our business operations, striving to consistently act as a responsible and engaged “good citizen”.


 Global awareness of environmental issues has increased dramatically in recent years. People have recognized the irreversible consequences of human intervention for urbanization. We are committed to pursuing environmentally sustainable development. Our approach to environmental issues is based on life cycle thinking and the principles of eco-efficiency, addressing the environmental impact of our activities and products. The life cycle of our products begins with raw material extraction and ends with recycling, waste treatment, and reintroducing materials into the economic system. Our activities focus on reducing energy consumption and optimizing recycling.

We respect and protect the natural environment. We have invested in eliminating the negative effects of our production activities by installing recycling systems for chemicals and raw materials and investing in water recirculation. Waste is processed through biological cleaning and recycling, with the treated water used for various functions. Additionally, we use systems to manage noise emissions in our production lines.

We have also invested significantly in eliminating noise from our advanced air conditioning units, which are essential for maintaining controlled temperatures for sensitive pharmaceutical products. With social sensitivity and respect for the environment, we support the recycling of printer and copier cartridges, batteries, and cans and plastic bottles in our employee cafeteria, working closely with the Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation. Our core principle is to integrate environmental concerns into our daily work cycle. 

Social Product

 Our most significant contribution to society is our research and development of pharmaceutical technologies. By creating new drug delivery methods that enhance patient compliance, reduce side effects, facilitate drug administration, contribute to successful treatments, combat polypharmacy, and help patients lead normal lives, we ultimately improve the quality of human life.

Each year, we make a substantial direct contribution to the country’s economy, finance insurance funds, and boost national income. By sourcing from local suppliers, we also support nationwide business activity and promote local companies abroad.

We conduct our activities within the framework of social responsibility practices, successfully integrating sustainable development into every business decision. Our next challenge is to continue performing responsibly and to effectively communicate these achievements to our stakeholders and the broader community. 


 For us, culture is a vital element of people’s heritage and legacy. The concept of a “sponsor” has its roots in ancient Greek culture, where patrons supported the arts and public projects. Today, this idea has expanded to encompass various segments of our society, reflecting our ongoing commitment to cultural preservation and promotion.

We actively participate in cultural events and sponsor museum and gallery exhibitions, playing a crucial role in promoting the arts and disseminating Greek civilization and culture both locally and internationally. Our support helps bring artistic expressions and historical artifacts to a wider audience, fostering an appreciation for Greece’s rich cultural heritage. By doing so, we not only honor our cultural roots but also contribute to the global cultural landscape, ensuring that the legacy of Greek culture continues to inspire and educate future generations. 
